Highlights of the January 3, 2020 BHAS Board meeting:
- David Sisk was welcomed as our newest Board member.
- The Education Committee has made a $2000 donation to the Eye on Nature program at Nisqually NWR.
- Our two Christmas Bird Counts have been successfully completed. The possibility of starting a third one in the south prairie region was discussed. The Avian Science Committee will do some preliminary investigation of this idea.
- Also discussed was the possibility of hosting an event highlighting the Willapa Hills Trail. We might coordinate with the Gray’s Harbor Audubon chapter to do bird walks along the trail during spring migration.
- The recipient of the 2019 Volunteer of the Year was chosen and will be honored at our Annual Dinner in March.
- The Volunteer Co-coordinators presented a possible on-line calendar website on which our committee chairs could keep track of volunteer hours and tasks. This would be very helpful when our yearly reports and grant applications are due.
- The By-laws Committee is working on updating our by-laws, specifically the section that discusses membership and newsletter functions.
- The Conservation Committee continues to work on preventing the property owned by the Port of Tacoma from being rezoned for the NorthPoint warehouse complex. The hydrology report commissioned by BHAS has now been submitted to the Thurston County commissioners.
- The Purple Martin nest boxes that BHAS installed at Boston Harbor have been cleaned and readied for next spring. Five out of the six showed evidence of use.