SUNDAY JUNE 23RD 3:30 – 6:00 PM
IT’S PICNIC TIME! We will gather at our usual spot—The Squaxin Park Rose Garden picnic shelter—to visit, dine and play. This year Black Hills Audubon will supply the food, drink and desserts. You supply the camaraderie and, if you can, your plate and utensils. We will have disposable utensils available.
We will honor our award winners for BHAS Volunteers of the Year – Sally Nole and Bonnie Wood, the Jack Davis Conservationist of the Year – Helen Wheatley, and the Dave McNett Environmental Educator of the Year – Matthew Landers. These are amazing people who truly embody the spirit of environmental conservation and it will be a pleasure to celebrate them.
We will also sponsor a used bird book table (be gathering bird books you no longer need) and play a rousing game of Bird Bingo. Here is the schedule:
3:30 – 4:30 Gather and visit with BHAS members and friends
4:30 – 5:00 Dinner (provided by BHAS)
5:00 – 5:30 Dessert and program honoring our awardees
5:30 – 6:00 Bird Bingo and a surprise competition
6:00 Bird walk in Squaxin Park
REMEMBER: Bring bird books to swap!
And, if you have flowers in your garden you can share, please bring a vase with them for our table decorations.
Questions can go to Kathleen Snyder
You won’t want to miss this fun afternoon with fellow Auduboners.
Photo by Quentin Phillips.