- The Black Hills Audubon Board met for a half day retreat – the first time in over a year that we met in person. The meeting was held outdoors with appropriate social distancing.
- The budget for 2020-21 was discussed and approved. Although our income has decreased over the course of the pandemic, our expenses have decreased as well. As a result, our financial situation is solid.
- It was agreed that our monthly program meetings will continue to be held on Zoom through the end of the year at least. It was also agreed that field trips will still follow the COVID-19 protocols that the Board approved in May 2021. This will exclude any trips that would need carpooling. We will revisit this decision regularly.
- The Board discussed ideas for projects that could occur in the coming months.
- The EDI Committee led a discussion on white privilege and presented a draft survey for our membership. Ideas for increasing the diversity of our membership were discussed.
- The Annual Picnic, scheduled for September 11, will be cancelled. We will try to hold it in June 2022.
- We will try to hold the Annual Dinner on March 5th. However, the Annual Dinner Committee has scaled down the event in case it needs to be cancelled. It will be a Cocktail and Appetizer affair and work on the event will not start until January.
- Mark McKechnie has taken over the chair of the Finance Committee. The Board approved a new policy on Targeted Donations.
- Elizabeth Rodrick will be stepping off the Board in May 2022. Elizabeth is our Vice-president and has handled the Presidential duties for the past 4 years. We are extremely thankful for this. A nomination committee will need to be formed.
- Kim Adelson will be taking over the Chair of the Education Committee and will be offering a new birding class starting in October. She is also working on curriculum for a Birding by Ear for the Visually Impaired class.