The new Board for Black Hills Audubon was elected at the program meeting on May 11th. Here are the results:
President | Kim Adelson |
Treasurer | Bruce Jacobs |
Secretary | Kathleen Snyder |
Director-at-Large | Reinhold Groepler |
Director-at-Large | Rachel Hudson |
Director-at-Large | Sam Merrill |
Director-at-Large | Carla Miller |
Director-at-Large | Stephanie Morris |
Director-at-Large | Charlotte Persons |
Director-at-Large | Bob Wadsworth |
We still have openings for Directors-at-Large and would love to talk to you if you are interested. If you would like to learn more, please contact Kim Adelson at Our Board meetings are the first Thursday of the month at 5:30 pm via Zoom. Board members are also expected to take a leadership role on a BHAS committee and participate in our other events/projects as able. Black Hills Audubon is an organization you can be proud to support with your time and energy.
Our all-volunteer organization only thrives when people like you step up and get involved!