Please read the accompanying article by Karla Kelly. It was written a year ago when she worked on the bluebird boxes for the Center of Natural Lands Management. She is now in Michigan working on her Masters in Ornithology and the bluebird project needs a new infusion of energy.
Black Hills Audubon is eager to fill that role. We are looking for volunteers to do a number of tasks. We need one or two people to build at least six nest boxes to the specifications we will provide. We also have cedar boards to use. We need a team of two or three to install them as well as a team of one or two to do expected maintenance on the nest boxes that are already on site. We also need three or four folks to monitor the nest boxes weekly through spring and summer to see what activity results.
If any of these jobs interest you and you have transportation to south Thurston County (near the South Sound Speedway), please contact Kathleen Snyder at