None of us expected to be dealing with the pandemic for this long, did we? Here we are looking at the second Christmas Bird Count with COVID-19 restrictions and protocols. Although it’s discouraging and frustrating, participating in Audubon’s 122nd count can raise our spirits and bring joy by being outside and looking for birds.
As it stands now, the count will happen and it will still be an excellent way to contribute to science as well as have an enjoyable day outdoors. For more on the history of this event and the research it has informed, visit the CBC page on National Audubon’s website, .
All CBCs will take place between December 14 and January 5 inclusive. Black Hills Audubon sponsors two circles –in Olympia on Sunday, Dec 19th and in Lewis County on Wednesday, Dec 22nd. A circle is 15 miles across and the boundaries remain the same year after year. Each circle is divided into sub-areas usually covered by teams. It is assumed that this year we will rely mostly on individuals to conduct solo counts. In addition, we have many feeder counters who will be watching their bird feeders and backyard habitats.
Area leaders will assign either individual birders or same-household birders to cover an area. This will eliminate the problem of maintaining social distancing and the use of PPE. This also precludes the problems that can arise when carpooling. As such, the people who will be involved in CBC this year need to be experienced and self-sufficient. We have to postpone the inclusion of beginner birders until next year (hopefully) when we can again go out in teams.
If you are comfortable with identifying birds on your own and would like to take part, contact the count coordinator to be assigned to an area leader. Other options include feeder watching or recording birds on your own property or in your neighborhood. The count coordinator will need to confirm that your home or neighborhood is within the count circle and to arrange for the data to be submitted. Here are the folks to contact:
Olympia circle Bill Shelmerdine
Lewis circle Dalton Spencer
Even though we have restrictions on sharing this with our fellow birders, there are no restrictions on the joy and the satisfaction that birding and contributing to science bring.