Each year chapters in our state hold an Annual Statewide Meeting. BHAS belongs to the southwest region and is co-host of this year’s annual meeting called Audubon Council of Washington or ACOW.
This year’s convention is hosted by Audubon Southwest Chapters: Vancouver, Willapa Bay, Grays Harbor, Tahoma and Black Hills.
All chapter members are invited to attend this weekend of meetings, speakers, workshops and field trips. It is a wonderful way to learn about issues crucial to us in the northwest and connect with other members across our service area.
We’ll meet September 27-29, 2019 at the Vancouver Water Resources Education Center, 4600 SE Columbia Way, Vancouver, WA 98661
Here you can find, REGISTRATION, and access to our ACCOMMODATIONS at a discounted rate. FIELD TRIPS sign-up and AGENDA details are upcoming. There will be several of us from Black Hills attending so possible car pools can be arranged. More will be shared at our September Speaker series on September 12th. Contact a board member for more information if you are interested in attending.