Want to learn how to identify birds when you can’t see their coloration or hear their calls? A bird’s shape is almost always a useful—and sometimes the best—tool for identification, but it is underused by many birders. On November 15th from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., retired ornithologist Dr. Scott Mills will again teach his popular “Birding by Shape” class at the Capitol Museum Coach House. This interesting class helps you focus on bird shape by presenting a wide variety of examples and highlighting some local bird groups where shape is a valuable identification tool. There are ways to know birds by their shape, size, and location. The cost of the class is on a sliding scale from $15 to $20. Registration is required and limited to 24; to sign up, contact Ken Brown at kenbrownpls@comcast.net.
Scott Mills has been an active birder and field-trip leader for more than 55 years. Since 1999 he has spent more than 425 days at sea, where shape is an extremely useful consideration in bird identification, including over 100 Westport Seabirds trips. Over the years, Scott has taught many birding classes including beginning birding, identification of bird groups such as sparrows and hawks, avian anatomy and physiology, and college ornithology.